Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Punkzilla: summer reading post 4

I chose this book because I like the concept of a troubled kid going cross country to see his dyeing brother for the last time. There is also a personal connection of knowing you will never see someone again which is one of the hardest things to live trough at any age with any person. For recommending this book, I would recommend it to someone that loves something kind of weird. This book is one of the weirdest books that I have read. Not to mention the way it was written is one of the most interesting ways. It is written in letter format that I have not seen before in literature. I could also see the appeal from people that like scrambled literature but that is also a reason people wouldn’t want it not to mention this story has a lot of vulgar language and drug references but people may like that.

Punkzilla: Summer reading post 3

of this book, there is a lot of weird stuff that hooks you because of how weird it is. Probably one of the best examples of this is would be the beginning of the book. Why I say this is because of the fact that you start reading and you have no clue on what is happening if you did not read the back. All that you know is that a guy is writing to his brother that he hasn't talked for a long time. But you quickly find something isn't right, he talks about his friends in Portland Oregon that smoked, stole and did favors for each other. He also talks about his father like he is the devil. He is a retired major that runs his house like a military drill Sargent. Tring to get away, Jamie AKA punkzilla in Portland to his friends smokes to get away from his father but he gets caught, sent off to a military school and goes AWOL after a month of being there. But after six months his brother right to him says that he is dying of cancer… I don’t know about you, but I would read this book as fast as I could.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Punkzilla: summer reading post 2

For the book Punkzilla, you realize that the book is in letter format and not chapter format. I feel like this is a move is risky but pulls it off because he is trying to communicate with a brother that is on the other side of the country and neither of them have internet, cell phones or access to a ready phone. it is also giving punkzilla whom is a character that has had a hard last few months something to do on this multi day road trip that you really can't do much. The reason he is seeing his brother is because his brother is dying from cancer that has gotten to the point of no return. he has already had one of the tumors burst, causing him to go unconscious for a few days to awake in the hospital with the worst news in the world, you are going to die in a very short time and we can't do anything about it. If you have gone through a death in a family you know some of the pain but if you were really close to them, you know what it feels like or this poor boy at only 15 would be going through. You can tell out of the gate this book is about remorse and grief. But at the same time it is a very positive book in celebrating the good, bad, ugly and between of this world that we call home.

Punkzilla: Summer reading post 1

From what I have read so far in this book, I can say this. This book is weird. Let’s start with the main character, his name is Jamie but goes by Punkzilla, he is a druggie, runaway from his parents and from the military school they sent him too. He is originally from Cincinnati and has a younger brother that isn't mentioned very much and an older gay brother that ran away 4 years before after he came out. Both of them hates their mother’s husband whom I assume isn't there father but I could be wrong on that. He is a decorated vet and hates both of his wife's kids that aren't his. Coming back to Jamie, he ran away from the military school and hitch hikes from I assume Virginia to Portland origin. in the beginning of the story, I can tell it is mostly backstory because you just start it and it starts right as he is getting on a greyhound bus to Memphis Tennessee. The backstory is mostly Jamie's story in Portland and some near the 50 page mark of his run away from the military school. In Portland he was mostly stealing iPods for money and using that money to pay rent, buy food and getting favors from a girl that lives a few doors down. He has a few friends that aren’t that remember able. But all he wants is to see his older brother one last time… and we will pick up on that next post.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Horror: how it has fallen

horror as a genre has fallen from the eye of the beholder, in movies, video games and books. the major reasons I feel is because the industry has moved away from suspense to jump scares. don't get me wrong jump scares can be effectively used, but it is hard when you are literary bombarded with jump scares almost every scene in a horror film today.

the reason I bring it up is because the craft isn't dead. just like in outlast, a video game, in writing it is not "dead" just not really alive. in video games, there are games such as outlast and amnesia that have released resiliently that are made to scare. but the horror games of our elders are how just generic action games and have been watered down from there horror roots. if you don't believe me, play resident evil remastered and then resident evil 6, you will see a difference.

if you haven't cached on by now, atmosphere is everything. for the original resident evil, it is a dark mansion with allot of small coriander and not very well lighted areas. just like outlast that has poorly lightened hallways, and jump scares but sometimes without you seeing them coming. (Warning, foul language on videos, it is just to show you examples of jump scares preformed correctly and a creep pasta.)
writing has also kept it alive very well. I can Tell this from the short story I am reading now about the second human in counter with the flood. the short story is about 150 pages and doesn't directly show the flood til about the 75 Pg. mark where they have a major jump scare. another example of horror in writing is any creepy pasta ever. If you don't know what a creepy pasta is, it is a internet horror story that is passed around from website to website and its goal is to scare you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

the grand sacrifice

I know that you probably will never deal with this decition, but what would you do if your faced with the dicition of retreating and detonating a bomb that would wipe yourself out and the enemy along with it? I know most of the human race would run away to safety and never do anything about it. but the select few selfless people that would stay behind alowing everyone else to escape; those are the men that deserve to be comemerated. We do have a comemeration for those soldures, it is the purple heart. It is given to soulders that desplay total acts of selfleseness in the name of protecting the many. It is usualy the last honor that soldures reseve before they are burried or removed from acteve duty. ofcourse not all men in the military get these and it is an honor to get one if you are still alive. i am not here to tell you to join the military, but I am saying to think how you would react.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

halo: spec ops

In the halo universe, there are multiple form of spec ops (specialised opratives) that are well trained and go beond what the common marine would do. there are the ones like the spartan twos and the spartan threes that are choosen at young age and are trained vigoutesly. there are also the ODST's that were the main spec ops bfore the spartan program started. the ODST's are still used but they are not as effective than the spartan two and three's. but of the spartan three's there is a group of sodiures that are the most rigourous of them all... the head hunters.

the head hunters are four two man squads that are trained to cause mass damage in minamal time to strongholds of the enamy. they are trained with higher training than the avarage spartan 3 but lower than the spartan 2. they are also given the more experimental gear from ONI. they are highly silled and are masters of illusion. the only reason they are lessly used is because it takes some time for them to plan there entrance point but once there in, it is am matter of minutes before they are finished.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Halo: makeing the decition

the goal of the military is to defend the people from what ever evil that is apposing the country they are in. they follow orders and do what they are suppose to do.but not always are the rules of war followed or the will of there upper followed.

in the book I am reading now the main character is a marine that has been in for 2/3d of his life. he wants out but he won't get any money because the organisation that he joined was disbanded and he lost his penitence. what him and his Friends do to compensate for it? rob a bank... during there battles. but when they Finlay do, they find civilians in the last vault they check because that was one of the only places they thought was safe.

the book goes one way with this but that doesn't mean it is the only way. my question is what would you do? would you grab the rest of the gold? dump the gold you already have and use that room for civilians? or keep the gold you have and save some of the people but remember there
is only so much room in your car.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Halo: Military Training

the military in the story has 4 or so major branches that train very differently. These are different from ours because the air force and navy have been combined from space travel, there are now space deployed troops called ODST's (orbetal drop shock troopers); the well trained but fairly regular Marines and the very well known Spartans that are very well trained but only are of the select few that where selected for the spartan 2 program.

you don't learn much about the naval training but I can imagine that it is similar to the marines but they get flight training instead of driving and military positions training. as for the marines, they are allot like ours. very tough men and women that have fairly intents training that involves allot of strength, mind and strategic training. they get much more extensive fire arms training than there flying companions but aren't the best.

a specific branch of the marines are the ODST's these are the men that you don't want to meet in a dark ally late at night. they have the best and hardest training of all the marines but don't have the best over all because that honor goes to the Spartans. what makes the ODST's different form the marines is that you have to be in the marines first to be an ODST. the people in the program also get an exclusive training for dropping from outer space in a veahicle called the SOEIV's (single-occupant insertion vehicle) they had the hardest training and where treated with the highest respect and where feared... antil the spartans came along.

 Spartans never die... or so they say. the spartans are the secret program of ONI (office of navil intelegance) and is ment to make the best soldires they can. they take children, all around 6-7 with a very similar genetic makeup makeing them born to fight. they were trained harder than the ODST's scince they were obducted by ONI. they were than given an experamental prosigure that left more than half of the ones that touch it forever crippled. but the ones that did survive with out side effects, they where the stronger, quicker, and smarter than they ever dreamed. they then got a suit of armor that enhansed them eaven further to the point that they were almost human tanks. they are almost unstopable and no one wants to find themselfs within 5 feet of a spartan because they might snap there neck.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

the laws of robotics

The book I am reading right now is a completion of short stories in the halo universe. There are a lot of interesting stories in this book but the one I find most interesting is ”Midnight in the Heart of Midlothian.” The reason I find this one the most interesting is because the entire premise of the laws of robotics fascinates me in this story. If you don’t know the laws of robotics, click HERE to find out.
The story itself isn't that interesting; it is a marine that had cancer that needed radiation therapy on a ship inbound for some random planet that was overrun by covenant (alien cult/ antagonist). Once he regains concourses he finds that there was a covenant raid on the ship and he is the last human. He is told by the AI on board the ship and it turns out it is just a small fragment of the AI. The reason that she can’t do anything is first, she is separated from the commands to move the ship, detonate the ship or delete herself.  Not to mention in her current form, she cannot override the laws of robotics.
The laws of robotics state that a robot must not harm humans. For this reason is the AI not able to complete the Cole protocol if she could, she isn't powerful to override her programming. But at the end of the story once braid gets killed by an elite, she instantly takes out the ship. This is the reason we need to be careful with coding. Since computers take whatever you write literally, the laws of robotics only apply to humans and that can be scary. Just remember, if you make a killer robot, you are not only breaking the law, you are breaking coder’s law which is worse.

Friday, February 14, 2014

world war z Amarica's situation

in the book world war z,The vice president is interviewed on his views of the war in its current state with the US and how they might move on. All that we know is that the vice president doesn't want anything bad to happen to this country since this international turmoil has been going on for a year or so by now. The us is in turmoil like the rest of the world now because there is no strong central lead to how to make their position better and how to fix the problems at hand.

All they do know is that they will try to give help to where it is needed and try to make a semi-permanent z free sentimental like the western safe zone has. all they know for fact is that they will hold the same laws and rules that they would have if the infection never started in the first place. The only main difference is that they use shame for their punishment incited of imprisonment. it is allot easier, cheaper and effective than imprisonment at diminishing the number of repeat convicts than imprisonment ever was. They only hope they can and will do this in the future but for now, they just can't form limitations.maybe the most danger is from the inside than from the outside. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

World war z

in the far west of the united states over the rockys is the last major safe place in the world. from the mountans to the ocean there isn't alot of ways to get there. in this sancuary though,before someone can get everyone on the same page which is harder to do without telephones or the conveneiance of automobiles; the entiraty of the vally are tring to do ther own thing but they need help from others.

after a few weeks a man rises up to the chalenge of ruleing the people so that they can live in the best possible conditions. he was in logistics before hte colapse of modern seciaty, but he can manege people verry well and buget how they use there funding, resorses and people. he tryes his best in the zombie appocalypse and he is trying to have as many people survive as possible but that also means he turns away anny and all people that walk to the sedelment from the dusty wasteland to the east or from the water to the west.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

fahrenheit 451

fahrenheit 451 is a satire on the future and what could happen if we cencor most f all what would be consitered common knolage at out time period. all that we know about the time period is that it is the future because they have tech that we do and they have tech that we don't such as jet cars and firemen that start the fire insted of put it out. the book is mostly about how sesiaty changes over time and how the world is different if you cencor ideas.

 the story is basted around a fireman named montag how isn't like the others. he can't tell this entill a teenage girl by the name of clarisse is liveing accross the street and tells him this. they don't know eachother long because see gets ,"ran over." this world has lost alot compared to ours such as we have lost our history, we teech our kid almost directly after birth and they have classes like TV and football but no english ,math or sciance. they do have history but nothing past the creation of there goverment of there time.