Tuesday, February 11, 2014

World war z

in the far west of the united states over the rockys is the last major safe place in the world. from the mountans to the ocean there isn't alot of ways to get there. in this sancuary though,before someone can get everyone on the same page which is harder to do without telephones or the conveneiance of automobiles; the entiraty of the vally are tring to do ther own thing but they need help from others.

after a few weeks a man rises up to the chalenge of ruleing the people so that they can live in the best possible conditions. he was in logistics before hte colapse of modern seciaty, but he can manege people verry well and buget how they use there funding, resorses and people. he tryes his best in the zombie appocalypse and he is trying to have as many people survive as possible but that also means he turns away anny and all people that walk to the sedelment from the dusty wasteland to the east or from the water to the west.

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