Tuesday, February 4, 2014

fahrenheit 451

fahrenheit 451 is a satire on the future and what could happen if we cencor most f all what would be consitered common knolage at out time period. all that we know about the time period is that it is the future because they have tech that we do and they have tech that we don't such as jet cars and firemen that start the fire insted of put it out. the book is mostly about how sesiaty changes over time and how the world is different if you cencor ideas.

 the story is basted around a fireman named montag how isn't like the others. he can't tell this entill a teenage girl by the name of clarisse is liveing accross the street and tells him this. they don't know eachother long because see gets ,"ran over." this world has lost alot compared to ours such as we have lost our history, we teech our kid almost directly after birth and they have classes like TV and football but no english ,math or sciance. they do have history but nothing past the creation of there goverment of there time.

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