Tuesday, April 15, 2014

halo: spec ops

In the halo universe, there are multiple form of spec ops (specialised opratives) that are well trained and go beond what the common marine would do. there are the ones like the spartan twos and the spartan threes that are choosen at young age and are trained vigoutesly. there are also the ODST's that were the main spec ops bfore the spartan program started. the ODST's are still used but they are not as effective than the spartan two and three's. but of the spartan three's there is a group of sodiures that are the most rigourous of them all... the head hunters.

the head hunters are four two man squads that are trained to cause mass damage in minamal time to strongholds of the enamy. they are trained with higher training than the avarage spartan 3 but lower than the spartan 2. they are also given the more experimental gear from ONI. they are highly silled and are masters of illusion. the only reason they are lessly used is because it takes some time for them to plan there entrance point but once there in, it is am matter of minutes before they are finished.

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