Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Halo: makeing the decition

the goal of the military is to defend the people from what ever evil that is apposing the country they are in. they follow orders and do what they are suppose to do.but not always are the rules of war followed or the will of there upper followed.

in the book I am reading now the main character is a marine that has been in for 2/3d of his life. he wants out but he won't get any money because the organisation that he joined was disbanded and he lost his penitence. what him and his Friends do to compensate for it? rob a bank... during there battles. but when they Finlay do, they find civilians in the last vault they check because that was one of the only places they thought was safe.

the book goes one way with this but that doesn't mean it is the only way. my question is what would you do? would you grab the rest of the gold? dump the gold you already have and use that room for civilians? or keep the gold you have and save some of the people but remember there
is only so much room in your car.

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