Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Watchmen Analicis

Watchmen, a great book but I will have to put a spoiler warning on this because there are spoilers in this. The premise of watchmen is a parallel universe to our own where in the 1940's to 70's there where masked crusaders of new-york city. but one of them has a plan to create world peace through travesty; this is the "smartest man alive" Mr. Veldt. he killed the comedian, exiled doctor Manhattan nearly kill himself, and imprison Rorschach. his final step was to teleport a hideous creature that he made to the center of new york city.

For what I picked up, this book is about how problems in this world are huge and super heroes can not fix them all without going to extremes.since a prior hero had that much motivation to kill millions of people to gain world peace, it says a lot about us and our cutler. Before I read this I wish I had done my resurch, but I am glad that i didn't because this is a great book and I would recommend it to anyone that enjoys comics.

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