Friday, November 8, 2013

Best blog post

I say that the best blog post was the one I did for charecture on No Safty in Numbers. I say this because I say that it helped me over come the lack of detail in my bloging. Through this I figured out that I am a stronger reader than I thought and I didn't need verry much of a push. blogging was a way to shed my insite on books without the ocwerd  feeling of  that I will spoil it for the people.

Like I said previoulsly, My best was on charecters for no safty in numbers because I feel like I hit all the major parts of the charectures for each without taking half a page of writing. It also Shows that I can use langwige figuritively. From the blog post that I chose you can see that it meets standerds because there is a picture, there is figurative languige and it is explaining why each charecture is different but the same.

My goals for the next trimester and on is to be a better reader and to continue to get better at reading.  from this I will take that youcan become a better reader and to become a successful at life.

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