Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Watchmen Analicis

Watchmen, a great book but I will have to put a spoiler warning on this because there are spoilers in this. The premise of watchmen is a parallel universe to our own where in the 1940's to 70's there where masked crusaders of new-york city. but one of them has a plan to create world peace through travesty; this is the "smartest man alive" Mr. Veldt. he killed the comedian, exiled doctor Manhattan nearly kill himself, and imprison Rorschach. his final step was to teleport a hideous creature that he made to the center of new york city.

For what I picked up, this book is about how problems in this world are huge and super heroes can not fix them all without going to extremes.since a prior hero had that much motivation to kill millions of people to gain world peace, it says a lot about us and our cutler. Before I read this I wish I had done my resurch, but I am glad that i didn't because this is a great book and I would recommend it to anyone that enjoys comics.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Martian Cronicals

In the book the martian cronicals is a compolation of short story's about our first attempts of going to mars. there are numorous expoditions in the book because they are failing. For exampel the first expodition ended whith the two explorers being shot. there are some Questions that I have though. I don't know why they think they use telepathy for comunications and they put the people that clame to be from other planets into an asylum?why are they sending more people after the two prevous expoditions failed? and why didn't the second crew leave after they got back to the  ship?

I also predict that there will be a verry little succsess rate for these trips because the fact that the martians will continue to be in disbelleif entil they bring one back.I also say that the martians will bring an upriseing and kill all insain beings in the wourld that they know of and eventualy kill everyone off.

In my mind, this is what would happen if we found another self aware seciaty of creaters in the universe. It shows that we can't take for granted that we will always pull through. we might be resiliant, but not as resiliant as we think. This showes me that i want to find extraterestrials but not in my life time.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I am Reading watchmen right now and thee is alot of foreshadowing to the characters future. there  are some points that I am confused about. For example, why did the comedian get murderd that day and Dr.manhatten exiled ing such short period of each other? why did they split up? The one qustion that most interests me is, what happened to rorschach?

Though I would say that rorschach will go to the slammer in this for one thing or another just because he is still going out and being his own PI when it is illegal how he is doing it. He also has a troubled past that he is hiding from the world that will drive him crasy.

I also predict that Dr.manhatten will not return to the Planet earth just because he finds no rason for him to. he feels abandoned by the verry people that he defended and feel they don't deserve his gifts of knolege. If I was in his shoes, I would not return to planet earth because of how poorly they treated him.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


One of the books I have been reading is No safety in numbers for the past month. This is a good book and defiantly good with suspense. This book is about a suburban mall being shutdown from a deadly plague with tens of thousands of people taped inside. Their are secrets even the senior that is running the show doesn't know's about, and all they want is to be sent free.

For the book, it is a good read and one to read if you are interested in mystery action and interesting caricatures. there are twists that you will not see coming. this is the first of ac couple of books or just two but I am hoping for more. This is a good book and I hope you read it.