Tuesday, September 24, 2013

No safty in numbers Caricaters

There are Four major characters in the book I am currently reading. Why don't we get into some of them shall we.

The first is Lexi. she is a girl that hates her mother because she doesn't give the family time that she should. she is going to a new school that she hates because she has no friends and loved her old school. she is a tech geek and knows her way around any mall problems tech wise in this time. she finds friends in this time of crises and takes care of them. she though believes it is her mothers fault for all of this and just wanted the hype.

Another character is Ryan. Ryan is a freshman in high school and one of the stars of the football team. he is in a relationship with shay, another main character and is in competition with macro whom hates Ryan. he becomes sick with the flu and wants to survive this as much as possible. he is the more romantic of shays two lovers but he is in the dark for most things.

Shay is an Indian girl who came to the mall with her grandmother and sister to get away form the fact her friends don't call or anything like they prommest. she has two completely different love interests, Marco the tech savie or Ryan the jock. she loses her grandmother in here which makes her want to get out of this place even more. she will stop at nothing to get out now that she will loose everything in a few days.

Last we have marco. a young american wit Hispanic how works at the grilln'shake at the mall. he has the perspective of the clerk for the stores of all of them. he understands what the others don't. he has a love interest in shay but just wants to get out of this place. He is determaned to get out no matter what the cost. he will get out.

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