Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Punkzilla: summer reading post 4

I chose this book because I like the concept of a troubled kid going cross country to see his dyeing brother for the last time. There is also a personal connection of knowing you will never see someone again which is one of the hardest things to live trough at any age with any person. For recommending this book, I would recommend it to someone that loves something kind of weird. This book is one of the weirdest books that I have read. Not to mention the way it was written is one of the most interesting ways. It is written in letter format that I have not seen before in literature. I could also see the appeal from people that like scrambled literature but that is also a reason people wouldn’t want it not to mention this story has a lot of vulgar language and drug references but people may like that.

Punkzilla: Summer reading post 3

of this book, there is a lot of weird stuff that hooks you because of how weird it is. Probably one of the best examples of this is would be the beginning of the book. Why I say this is because of the fact that you start reading and you have no clue on what is happening if you did not read the back. All that you know is that a guy is writing to his brother that he hasn't talked for a long time. But you quickly find something isn't right, he talks about his friends in Portland Oregon that smoked, stole and did favors for each other. He also talks about his father like he is the devil. He is a retired major that runs his house like a military drill Sargent. Tring to get away, Jamie AKA punkzilla in Portland to his friends smokes to get away from his father but he gets caught, sent off to a military school and goes AWOL after a month of being there. But after six months his brother right to him says that he is dying of cancer… I don’t know about you, but I would read this book as fast as I could.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Punkzilla: summer reading post 2

For the book Punkzilla, you realize that the book is in letter format and not chapter format. I feel like this is a move is risky but pulls it off because he is trying to communicate with a brother that is on the other side of the country and neither of them have internet, cell phones or access to a ready phone. it is also giving punkzilla whom is a character that has had a hard last few months something to do on this multi day road trip that you really can't do much. The reason he is seeing his brother is because his brother is dying from cancer that has gotten to the point of no return. he has already had one of the tumors burst, causing him to go unconscious for a few days to awake in the hospital with the worst news in the world, you are going to die in a very short time and we can't do anything about it. If you have gone through a death in a family you know some of the pain but if you were really close to them, you know what it feels like or this poor boy at only 15 would be going through. You can tell out of the gate this book is about remorse and grief. But at the same time it is a very positive book in celebrating the good, bad, ugly and between of this world that we call home.

Punkzilla: Summer reading post 1

From what I have read so far in this book, I can say this. This book is weird. Let’s start with the main character, his name is Jamie but goes by Punkzilla, he is a druggie, runaway from his parents and from the military school they sent him too. He is originally from Cincinnati and has a younger brother that isn't mentioned very much and an older gay brother that ran away 4 years before after he came out. Both of them hates their mother’s husband whom I assume isn't there father but I could be wrong on that. He is a decorated vet and hates both of his wife's kids that aren't his. Coming back to Jamie, he ran away from the military school and hitch hikes from I assume Virginia to Portland origin. in the beginning of the story, I can tell it is mostly backstory because you just start it and it starts right as he is getting on a greyhound bus to Memphis Tennessee. The backstory is mostly Jamie's story in Portland and some near the 50 page mark of his run away from the military school. In Portland he was mostly stealing iPods for money and using that money to pay rent, buy food and getting favors from a girl that lives a few doors down. He has a few friends that aren’t that remember able. But all he wants is to see his older brother one last time… and we will pick up on that next post.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Horror: how it has fallen

horror as a genre has fallen from the eye of the beholder, in movies, video games and books. the major reasons I feel is because the industry has moved away from suspense to jump scares. don't get me wrong jump scares can be effectively used, but it is hard when you are literary bombarded with jump scares almost every scene in a horror film today.

the reason I bring it up is because the craft isn't dead. just like in outlast, a video game, in writing it is not "dead" just not really alive. in video games, there are games such as outlast and amnesia that have released resiliently that are made to scare. but the horror games of our elders are how just generic action games and have been watered down from there horror roots. if you don't believe me, play resident evil remastered and then resident evil 6, you will see a difference.

if you haven't cached on by now, atmosphere is everything. for the original resident evil, it is a dark mansion with allot of small coriander and not very well lighted areas. just like outlast that has poorly lightened hallways, and jump scares but sometimes without you seeing them coming. (Warning, foul language on videos, it is just to show you examples of jump scares preformed correctly and a creep pasta.)
writing has also kept it alive very well. I can Tell this from the short story I am reading now about the second human in counter with the flood. the short story is about 150 pages and doesn't directly show the flood til about the 75 Pg. mark where they have a major jump scare. another example of horror in writing is any creepy pasta ever. If you don't know what a creepy pasta is, it is a internet horror story that is passed around from website to website and its goal is to scare you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

the grand sacrifice

I know that you probably will never deal with this decition, but what would you do if your faced with the dicition of retreating and detonating a bomb that would wipe yourself out and the enemy along with it? I know most of the human race would run away to safety and never do anything about it. but the select few selfless people that would stay behind alowing everyone else to escape; those are the men that deserve to be comemerated. We do have a comemeration for those soldures, it is the purple heart. It is given to soulders that desplay total acts of selfleseness in the name of protecting the many. It is usualy the last honor that soldures reseve before they are burried or removed from acteve duty. ofcourse not all men in the military get these and it is an honor to get one if you are still alive. i am not here to tell you to join the military, but I am saying to think how you would react.